money from self publishing would benefit from social media marketing, such as
Blogger, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook and Goodreads. All these great free online
tools, if used cleverly, will increase your novel’s visibility to sell books
online. The focus of this article is how to use Twitter to make book sales.
Twitter to Make Book Sales
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How to Use Twitter for Authors |
it or hate it, Twitter can only be ignored at the writer’s peril, as this free
marketing tool can be used to spread the word about your book. Let’s start with
the basics.
is a means of getting short messages of up to 140 characters in length to
people about what you are up to. Images, links and tags can be added. A Twitter
feed can be added to Amazon’s Author Central, the Author page of Goodreads,
Smashwords and Linkedin to enable the writer to share bite sized information to
book lovers. But it need not end there.
consider the following facts about Twitter when tweeting about your books:
to Use Twitter to Make Book Sales Spam Free
tend to follow twitters who have a large following, so post interesting tweets
about not only about your book, but things that might be of interest to a wider
audience. This is the key to getting more followers and increasing author
visibility. Consider the following:
aim of Twitter users is to be seen by a large number of people. The inevitable
result of Twitter is increased exposure of your book. This exposure is
increased again when Twitters retweet your tweets if they are of interest.
breeds popularity, so the more people that follow you, the more will want to
follow you, even if it is merely to retweet their tweets. Remember, your tweets
may also be retweeted too.
thank those who retweet your tweets and retweet their tweets. This way, tweets
about your book could get around.
you hashtag # your subject, others looking for that subject will more likely
find it. Hashtags work like tags on a website or on Amazon that help customers
find your book.
Your Tweets go Viral for Book Sales
this is where things get sensitive. An author self promoting can easily look
like spam and will be poorly received not only by Twitter, but Goodreads,
Amazon and the KDP Kindleboards. A way round this is to mix interesting things
that relate to the author’s books that a wider audience may appreciate. For
instance, the theme for one of my thrillers, A Hard Lesson is peer pressure. A
good idea might be to tweet about issues relating to peer pressure. Another
angle might be to tweet interesting facts about book publishing or offer useful
tips about novel writing. I read an interesting link from Twitter to an
author’s site that cited funny rejection letters to authors. This will increase
the author’s blog visibility by sharing which will have a knock-on effect upon
the author’s visibility.
interesting material that relates to the author in some way will help keep the
audience interested without spamming.
Tips on Using Twitter:
social media rule to talk 20% about yourself and 80% about others. This will
ensure you will not appear all ‘me, me, me’ which could cause other Twitters to
mute you. On the subject of being muted, you will not know about it, as muting
isn’t the same as being unfollowed. Your tweets won’t be heard and you won’t
even realise it. Not a good thing.
the subject of not being ‘me, me me,’ ask questions or engage in conversations
about other fellow tweeters or writers in a non-intrusive way.
the ‘at’ sign in front of a Twitter name eg @charlesjharwood if you would like
that person to retweet your tweet or to give a mention. However, never persist
if someone doesn’t reply or retweet your tweet.
potential followers who might be interested in your book by hashtagging a
related search term or by using the Twitter search bar to find book lovers of
your genre, be it thrillers or dystopian. Never badger other Tweeters to follow
you back.
pictures to make your tweets stand out. Memes will often draw readers’
attention and could be shared. It doesn’t matter if your meme is pirated, so
long as you provide your web page or FB address at the bottom. Free advertising
could result.
links to interesting articles on your blog or website where your bookstore is
located. This provides more for the reader to peruse over rather than mere
blurbs about your books.
a List on Twitter
don’t have to follow everyone that follows you. Followers that result from a targeted
search is better than a huge following consisting of Twitters that follow indiscriminately.
having many followers can be difficult to manage. You can organize your
followers into lists that can also be used for creating tailored tweets for particular
followers. A targeted tweet will result. For instance, you might want to create
a list of fellow writers who write in your genre or a list of avid readers who
love the genre you write in.
Not to Market Your Book On Twitter
retweet the sales plug about your book. People can block or mute you, even if
they don’t unfollow.
target only authors or those in the book trade to be your follower. Widen your
audience as much as possible.
bore the audience by tweeting quotes from your books.
keep tweeting your book cover.
keep tweeting your book blurb.
keep tweeting about your book’s free giveaway.
keep tweeting about how wonderful your book is and that is has a compelling
plot and the reader will have never read anything like it.
direct messaging with caution. Twitters find DM generally invasive, particularly
if it contains a sales plug.
can be forgiven for making these mistakes, but I have seen other writers repeatedly
do it.
that tweets have a very short life span. Don't assume anyone saw your tweet. Once
the feed is more than a few hours old it's unlikely anyone will check the feed
in detail although it may be viewed if you added a hashtag. Do time your tweets
with the time zone of the country you are targeting. The US is about 9 hours
behind the UK, so tweeting in the evening will be received at the start of the
US day.
alienate followers with rude or offensive material. A large following means
keeping things clean and being sensitive to people’s feelings. Bear in mind
that critiquing a book could be seen by that very author.
buy Twitter followers to look popular. It’s a waste of time and money. Grow
your fan base the organic way with interesting tweets.
notifications and mentions to see if fellow Twitters are talking about you and
respond appropriately. Thank anyone who has helped promote your book.
people who are not following you, they can't see your tweets anyway and you are
having to see theirs for as long as you continue to follow them.
Twitter to Sell your Books
is a great way to share information and promote your books, but take care not
to spam by repeating a sales pitch to your book. Increase author exposure by
tweeting interesting information and links that relate to your books in some
way. Use hashtags wisely to create tags that enable others to find you. Credit and
thank others who mention you or your book. Increased exposure and meaningful followers
is more likely to result in books sales than merely book plugging on Twitter.
More tips on how to Market your Book
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Traditional book marketing
How selling your books for free can increase book sales
More tips on how to Market your Book
How to sell books through Adwords
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